Book Notes 📚

Categories: All Business Self Help Philosophy Other

Sometimes when I talk about art, I ask what type of art has influenced the person the most.

  	And when they ask me, I always say books.

  	So with that as a heuristic, writing for me is the highest form of art.

  	Here are some of the books that changed my life.


The Incerto:

Taleb's books deserve a section of their own. My favorite modern philosopher.
I believe these books will still be read in 1,000 years from now.

- Fooled by randomness

- Bed of Procrustes

- Black Swan

- Antifragile

- Skin in the game

Business Books:

I've gone off business books at this point in my life.
But I can't deny that these helped me reach the stage I am now.

- Millionaire Fastlane

- 4 hour work week

On Bear: How to win friends and influence people Can't hurt me War of art Atomic habits Art of war Psychology of money Mind management, not time management Artificial intelligence Nomad Capitalist Enchiridion 1 page marketing plan Conversationally speaking Skin in the game Antifragile Black Swan Traction On Kindle: Seneca on the shortness of life Deep Work 4 hour work week Thinking in bets The Charisma Myth Lifespan The E-myth revisited How to get rich Confessions of an agency owner Four Thousand Weeks Breathe