August 6th, 2021 | Looking back

I'm on the balcony of our family summer house in Greece.

I have been coming here every August since I was ten years old.

And every single year, I sit on this balcony and look back on the previous year. And think. A little retrospect.

"Where was I this time last year professionally? Personally? Emotionally?"

"And where do I want to be this time next year?"

Last summer, I experienced the craziest growth since my teenage years.

I went from August 2019, where I was building little projects and launching them on Product Hunt.


August 2020, where I had moved abroad, started a full time job, built a brand on Twitter and ran a B2B business.

It was insane.

This year, however, it's not that crazy.

I haven't grown much professionally or money wise in the past year. Same order of magnitude.

But my quality of life has skyrocketed. Maybe that's worth something also.

After all, work and money aren't everything.

For example, this time last year I was the fattest I've ever been. I was working a full time job, plus my own business on the side. I was stressed. Was constantly in meetings and had no time. I looked easily 30+ years old (I was 26).

This year I'm super chill. Have all the time in the world. Work out daily and eat healthy. Have started living my ideal lifestyle of traveling the world. Plus, now that I have lost a ton of weight, I look a lot younger. Yesterday, someone asked me if I have finished high school. What the hell.

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