February 7th, 2021 | Traveling

I'm on a bus right now. Going from Italy to Germany. Milan to Munich.

Long trips are almost spiritual experiences. They are hard. They are tiring. You are forced to think. And you arrive slightly changed.

You have no WiFi. No YouTube. No distractions. It's just you. You are not comfortable. Your brain cannot go zen. You are alert.

Like bubbles, your thoughts, insecurities and desires rise to the surface. They are ready to be examined.

Maybe it's the whole atmosphere. Being on the road (or in the air) signifies change. Also, you are subconsciously thinking that you may die in an accident. And wonder if your life meant anything.

It's a strange experience. I'm sure you know exactly what I'm talking about. 

I really enjoy it. Especially examining vain desires. You get to see what kind of junk you carry subconsciously.

I remember when I was a university student, back in Greece. This used to happen all the time.

I would drive back and forth to my hometown, in my shitty little car. Mostly to see my younger brother, something like once per month.

Every time, on the road, I would listen to music and think. Come up with plans and dreams. Sort out my thoughts, put them in boxes and come up with plans.

By the time I arrived, I was slightly different.

Of course, most dreams never came to fruition. And they were vain and stupid anyway.

But, the most important dream did: Find something that I love and make a living off of it.

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