February 6th, 2021 | 10% of the year

Ten percent of the year has already gone by.

Normally, my reaction would be to feel stressed.

"Oh, shit. I have to work harder. I'm running out of time."

For example, this time last year, I would be freaking out. Actually, I think somewhere in a daily blog post I talk about it.

This year, however, I'm in a completely different place. And I'm taking my time and relishing every single day.

I'm not living too far ahead in the future. Just my next actions.

And I'm not living too far in the past either. I just regularly remind myself how lucky I am to be in the position I'm in.

I do have big goals and aspirations. Both professional and personal. But I'm also perfectly fine with where I'm at.

If I improve, it won't be to gain something that I don't have now. Freedom is what I always wanted. And I have it. At least for now.

If I improve, it will be because improving yourself (or your creations) is the most satisfying and fulfilling feeling in the world.

So I'm taking it slow. Almost like a long walk.

Like a gardener walking through his garden. Planting little seeds in various places every day.

And patiently waiting for the explosion of the compounding results.

In business. Fitness. Health. Knowledge. Relationships.

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