November 6, 2020 | Going pro

I remember a few months ago reading about Nathan Barry's story with ConvertKit.

For anyone that is not familiar, Nathan started an email marketing tool, ConvertKit, as a side project.

For about a year and a half, he was not actively promoting it, and all growth happened through his social media audience and presence.

MRR was fluctuating between $1.5K to $2.5K.

Then, one day he decided to flip the switch and go all in on ConvertKit. In his case, he went with cold outreach.

Two years later, ConvertKit was making $20M in annual revenue. Today, it's generating $40M in annual revenue.

I feel I've hit a bit of a wall with Cyberleads as well. Ironically, at the same exact point as ConvertKit.

I'm running it as a side project. All through my social media efforts and presence. And my MRR is up and down from $1.5K to $2.5K.

It's great.

But now I want to go pro. Invest in bullet proof systems.

For me, that's SEO, since all my competitors work with SEO.

I have already started.

I want in three months from now to get my first customer from SEO.

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