March 31st, 2020 | Fuck that shit!

Last week I was talking of launching yet another product. What the hell is wrong with me? This is my dilemma.

Option 1: Have multiple products in different verticals that can re launch on PH on a rotating manner.

Option 2: Double down on one product with low churn and make it a business.

I wanted option 1 to work because I love launching new products more than anything else in the world. But I just wasted one month and a half that way. That's like half of this year.

Anyway, I had to do it.

Last week, when I started building that NEW product, it came to me. What the fuck is wrong with you? You have everything you wished for. I validated B2B product, in tech, for founders, low maintenance, no need to code all day, not too difficult to run. Why are you not paying attention to it?

Fuck it. Q1 was to find a B2B product that checks all the boxes and to find a reliable way to grow GitGardener.

I didn't manage the GitGardener part, although it's growing nicely.

But I did find the B2B product I was looking for.

To recap, it's the 31st of March and I have to finish with this month's list.

From the 1st of April, I start growing both products. I have some ideas...

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