May 26th, 2021 | The value business

Next month I'll be running an experiment with turning Cyberleads from a newsletter into a database.

While I'm preparing the ground work, my head is continuously spinning.

Even though I've set up everything so they are 100% reversible if things go bad, I've been thinking what could happen.

What could happen to conversions. What could happen to revenue. What could happen to my working hours and support. Who could be called my competitor now. And so on and so forth.

And while I've been thinking about all the ways it could affect me or the business, I've been neglecting the most important thing.

How will this impact the customer?

And the answer is simple. It will definitely provide more value.

The only problem is showing that to them on the landing page. If done correctly, I'm positive that revenue will increase.

Ah, this made me feel better now.

I strongly believe that providing value to others can never go wrong.

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