Feb 2020 | Wow.. I've found it ($410 MRR) 🔭
My revenue this month was $410 in total. $149 for GitGardener. $261 for Cyberleads. Total costs are about $100. The past month has been crazy. Remember that goal of $500 MRR I had been chasing forever? Well, I nearly reached it already!! Here's what happened. Two weeks ago I launched CyberLeads, a service where you just sign up with your email and you get hundreds of startups that just raised money, in your inbox, every month. I built it with no code, and launched it on Product Hunt out of the blue, and although it was pretty uneventful, all of a sudden I had 10 paying customers waiting for a list of startups in their inbox on the 1st of March! It's so effortless when you just launch something that it's known that people pay for. For me, I knew people pay for leads. Fact. There are many companies offering databases of recently funded companies. Fact. They make a lot of money. Fact. I just made the same thing, in a easy way to sign up for. No scraping websites, no querying databases, no cleaning up data, no handling outdated or incorrect data. Basically I am a boutique. You can go to Walmart if you want, or you can come to me. "Come in. Give me your coat. Sit down. Put your feet up. Here's your coffee." Once a month, hundreds of leads of fast growing companies will arrive in your inbox. Every single entry on the list is check by a human, every single email is verified. It's quality A+ So at this point, I had 10 paying customers waiting to receive the list on March 1st. It's February 15th, I had two weeks. I started going through every single entry on the list manually and verify that everything is correct. I always catch mistakes, the sources out there have some mistakes or outdated information on revenue, size, CEO name, etc. That's takes many hours. Anyway, as always, you finish at the last second. I finished the list on the 29th of February, at night. It's a beauty, honestly. Everything filled out nicely, on a beautiful Airtable sheet. I sent them out on the 1st of March, a Sunday. I expect most people to see it on Monday, so I'll get their feedback. I really hope they don't hate it. I mean, it's what I have promised, the only thing I can imagine them not liking is that some emails are missing (the ones that are not verified). Let's see what happens, fingers crossed. If people stick around, this makes this month a marketing month. I have to get more people on the website. I also have quite a few ideas of different verticals I can go into, will launch a new product this month. Again, same style, no-code, launch straight away.
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