July 18, 2020 | Chickened out

There is nothing worse than not doing what you are supposed to do.

And usually we don't do the things we are afraid to do. The things that put us even a little outside of our comfort zone.

Even little stuff. Like posting in Facebook Groups instead of Twitter. Twitter used to be outside my comfort zone. Now it's inside. I'm used to posting, promoting and interacting with others on the platform.

This week I wanted to experiment with Facebook Groups and Reddit. Why not, after all. There are many people there that would be very interesting in Cyberleads.

Fast forward five days, I never posted. Every day I found a new reason not to post.

These were my main concerns/fears:

1. People might point a finger at me for promoting my website.
2. People might attack me for including CEO information in my lists.

Upside: I increase my MRR and get closer to freedom.
Downside: I get my ego broken for two days. Then I forget about it and continue posting on Twitter.

As you can clearly see, these reasons should not stop me. We are working on the fucking internet. We have to have thick skin.

Reminds of that time I went viral on HackerNews. People criticized me, and I felt like shit. Two days later, it was like it never happened.

I wrote about the whole experience in a blog post. Actually, it's one of my favorite posts.

It's called "Day #129 | No one cares about you"

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