April 20th, 2020 | Pull the trigger
I can't seem to pull the trigger when it comes to cold outreach. It's one of those things that I don't like, but then again, who likes it? That's the difference between people that make it and people that don't. The latter prefer not to do it and stay comfortable. I find that the best way to get over my fear of something is by externalizing it. So, let's do it. Cold outreach: Pros: 1. I might find a reliable distribution channel 2. It might be all I need to reach ramen profitability 3. I might meet new interesting people Cons: 1. People might reject me 2. People might ridicule me 3. People might think I'm annoying and sleazy So.. let's recap. I'm afraid to do what's needed to achieve my dream, just so I don't get ridiculed online by some strangers. Does that make any sense what so ever? How stupid. Anyway, I know momentum is a huge factor in all of this. Once I get started, especially with good results, I'll be off to the races. Ciao!
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