March 22nd, 2021 | Odyssey

Murphy's law says that whatever can happen, will happen.

Well, yesterday, almost everything went wrong for me, while traveling from Milan to Palermo.

- First of all, the previous night I couldn't sleep. I was just staring at the ceiling. So, I only slept three hours.

- Woke up late, and caught my bus going to the airport with seconds to go. Had to run with my huge bag, which is almost the same size and weight as me. And without wheels. Huge mistake.

- Got to the airport, only to find out that, apparently, I hadn't booked a ticket with a suitcase. So, I had to pay for my suitcase, at a high price.

- Ok, this one is stupid. It's not important, but I'm exaggerating for effect. While signing some declaration forms, someone borrowed my pen and stole it from me. Haha.

- Then, probably because airports are empty now, police officers have a lot of time. So, I was being questioned for multiple minutes. Where am I going, why, checking my documents with spectacles, etc.

- Anyway, I get through fine, and board my plane. The flight was great, and I arrived in Palermo one and a half hours later. My bad luck continues, it was miserable and raining like crazy.

- Upon arrival, all of us had to take a mandatory Covid test. The testing site, of course, was not in the same building. We had to walk 15 minutes in the poring rain. With my huge suitcase. It was so tiring, that I stood still in the middle of the rain three times to rest.

- Anyway, we get there, and I queue up to have a Covid test. Again, we have to sign some forms. Of course, now I don't have a pen. Haha. I have to speak broken Italian and borrow from someone else and sign them.

- Imagine this. Our flight was 1 hour and 30 minutes. The queue to get a Covid test was 1 hour and 40 minutes. Listening to conversations, I got my first glimpses of the national racism, between the north and the south.

- Then, I had to walk back again, with my huge suitcase that it almost my own size and weight, and without wheels! Another fifteen to twenty minutes in the rain.

- My trip wasn't over. Now, I had to catch a regional train to get to the Central Station of Palermo. It would be another hour. Luckily, a taxi driver came to me and asked where I'm going. He told me that it costs 10 EUR to go with him, since it was a taxi sharing service.

- Great! At least here luck smiled to me. But, I only had a credit card to pay. And here in Palermo, everyone works with cash. So, upon arrival, I had to run and withdraw money from an ATM.

- After that, I had to walk until my AirBnb. In the rain again. Luckily, no bad surprises. My flat is great, albeit, in a rough neighborhood. It's in the historic center, the old town. And from what I see online and with my own eyes, it's not the best area to live in.

Ah yes! And I also had THREE cancelations yesterday for Cyberleads. A record breaking number.

What a day...

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