Feb 17th, 2020 | The best compliment

Today I  went  to work and I was the happiest I’ve been in a very long time. I’m so proud and everything seems nicer. The city, the people, the weather, the future. Everything is great.

I went to work and wanted to work hard, since last week I was sick for the first part of the week and in the second part of the week I built and launched CyberLeads, so my mind was elsewhere.

However, I sat down to start coding  and then I got TWO emails for two new paying subscribers. What. The. Fuck. I thought the launch honeymoon was over, I guess it will trickle down a bit more. I also can’t get over the fact that they are business emails which means that they are legitimate B2B checks at last!!!

I replied as always manually and personally and one of them replied to me and asked if I could jump on a call. “Jump on a  call”,  what a cliche phrase. Today I actually did it for the first  time. He wanted to ask about the process behind the lead gathering. For a moment I was stressed, since it’s just me with no product gathering everything by hand, no some great company. But instantly I realised that that might be my strength, so I went with it 100%.

We talked on the phone and I told him that I do everything by hand, using human intuition that a web scrapper can’t do. He agreed and told me that they use web scrappers, but unfortunately they return a lot of garbage.

Then he gave me one of the best compliments I have ever heard, he said that the service is severely underpriced, and that they were sceptical in a bad way because the price was so low. Wow. Basically they would have subscribed  easier if it were more expensive.

I hang up the phone  and take a walk in the park. It’s lunch break at work and there is a park near by. I instantly remember this legendary speech from  Jason Cohen I listened to for the first time about 2 years ago. 

He says, among many other things, that bootstrapped  businesses should try  to be like boutiques, not Walmart. I think I couldn’t fit that profile  any better. Hand picked, quality leads, gathered by a human, for  you? Come on!

You can easily charge $100/mo for that I feel, what do you think?

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